What’s Your Apology Language?

Apology Language


Apologies are a tricky thing… especially when it’s your partner! If you know your partner’s apology language, you can make your apologies much more effective and meaningful. Learn more about apology languages in our blog, and check out our tip for an easy grand-gesture apology (hint: it’s a date night in a box!). 

Your connection to your partner is a special and unique thing. As two people move through life together, this connection changes, grows, and remains always in flow.

Every human being is complicated, and our minds and hearts work in different ways. When we come together as two people in a partnership, it’s important to put time and effort towards strengthening this understanding of each other — thus reinforcing your connection and building your bond (at Box’d Night In, making time for bonding is near to our hearts!).

You may have heard about the five love languages, which describe the ways one prefers to receive love. This could be words of affirmation, acts of service, gift giving, physical touch, or quality time. After learning your partner’s strongest love language, you can adapt the way you present love to them, making sure they feel most cherished and cared for at all times.

Similarly, there is a concept called the apology language. This describes the way you prefer to receive an apology when someone has hurt you, offended you, let you down, or done wrong to you.

Just like with love languages, understanding your apology language (and your partner’s!) can lead to more effective and meaningful conversations between you both.

The 5 Apology Languages

1. Expressing regret — This apology language means your partner feels shameful, guilty, or upset for the emotional damage they have caused you. This apology language is characterised by a traditional “I’m sorry”, without excuses or deflecting blame.

2. Accepting responsibility — This apology language means that your partner accepts and understands that what they did was wrong. In their apology, they will admit they made a mistake. This type of apology may include the words, “I was wrong to do that.”

3. Genuine repentance — With genuine repentance, your partner not only apologises, but verbalises their desire to change. They understand how they have hurt you, and they are determined not to do it again. This apology comes with an explanation of how they will do things differently next time.

4. Making restitution — This apology language focuses on action, not just words. Your partner may explain how they plan to fix the problem, correct the issue, or prevent the problem from occurring in the future. This apology aims to bring justice to what was done wrong, such as to replace something that was broken.

5. Requesting forgiveness — With this apology language, you prefer your partner to genuinely request your forgiveness. Forgiveness is a valued principle for you, and you feel respected when your partner honours its importance. Both partners understand forgiveness as something to be appreciated and cherished.

What’s your apology language? Take this quiz to find out. Try it with your partner to gain a deeper understanding of each other!

Date Night Ideas

Forgot an anniversary? Lacking quality time? Need help planning a date night?

Here’s how to make it up to your partner: at Box’d Night In, our date night boxes are the perfect solution for reconnecting, having fun together, and showing your partner how much you care.

Check out our Movie Night Box or Date & Paint Box for a date night that arrives at your door. Whether or not you’re in need of a grand gesture, your partner will love the thoughtful date night you’ve chosen — and it’s all planned and ready for you!